Stephen M. R. Covey is the father of Culture & Brand Building with “The Speed of Trust” approach and author of “The Speed of Trust – The One Thing That Changes Everything” book. He shared with leaders in Vietnam the principles and methods to build a “High-Trust Culture” and a “Trusted Brand” for individuals, organizations and the society.

The Seminar brought together almost 500 top business leaders, HR leaders, Marketing leaders and Sales leaders from domestic and multi-national companies; scholars, economists, management experts; and representatives from reputable international organizations and NGOs in Vietnam.

Mr. Gian Tu Trung, Founder and Chairman of PACE Institute of Management, welcomed the participants and introduced to the challenges of businesses in the age of trust crisis. Trust is the one thing that changes everything; it truly affects everything we do. But unfortunately, we are living in a world in which trust is on line. Distrust causes people to get caught in scandals and suspicion.
Therefore, what is the optimal solution to inspire trust and create a high-trust culture for individuals, organizations, and our society tin the age of trust crisis? And how can we translate from a “High-Trust Culture” into a “Trusted Brand”?
Mr. Stephen M. R. Covey agreed that the role of trust has never been more important or valuable than it is today. So, what is TRUST? Here is a description of trust by Mr. Covey:
1. Trust is Confdence. (The opposite—distrust—is Suspicion)
2. Trust includes both Character and Competence.
3. Smart Trust is the good judgment that flows from having a high Propensity to Trustbalanced by equally high Analysis.

Trust is more than a nice-to-have, soft, social virtue, it is a hard-edged economic driver. Stephen M. R. Covey shared 3 big ideas about trust:
1. Trust is an economic driver, not merely a social virtue.
2. Trust is the #1 competency of leadership needed today.
3. Trust is a learnable skill
We know strategy is important, but trust is the hidden variable. On paper you can have clarity around your objectives, but in a low-trust environment, your strategy won’t be executed. We find the trust tax shows up in a variety of ways including fraud, bureaucracy, politics, turnover, and disengagement, where people quit mentally, but stay physically. The trust tax is real.

The Watson Wyatt Human Capital Study shows that “High-trust organizations outperform low-trust organizations by 286% in Total Return to Shareholders”. The result from the 41 Country Study of Paul Zak and Stephen Knack also shows “In all cases, the countries with the highest trust levels have the highest per capita incomes and GDPs. Because trust reduces the cost of transactions, high-trust societies exhibit better economic performance than low-trust societies.”
Mr. Stephen M. R. Covey believed that today’s leaders are expected to better lead change, and to develop high-performing teams that are: agile, collaborative, innovative and engaged. To execute successfully, leaders should learn how to inspire trust and create high-trust culture in the age of trust crisis and how to transform High-Trust Culture into Trusted Brand.

In this Seminar, FranklinCovey and Mr. Stephen M. R. Covey introduced to an optimal solution to inspire trust and create a high-trust culture for individuals, organizations, and our society tin the age of trust crisis. This program is called Leading at the Speed of Trust.
“Leading at the Speed of Trust” is one of the most effective approach to build a High-Trust Culture and a Trusted Brand. This solution helps leaders understand how Trust works, how to measure it, how to establish it, grow it, extend it, and sustain it – with all stakeholders to successfully execute a business strategy.
The scientific and practical features of “The Speed of Trust” solution are the key to make this training program become the optimal solution for leaders, especially in the context of Trust crisis. This powerful solution has been widely applied in more than 160 countries in the world. Please click HERE for more information |