CEO - Chief Executive Officer

Starting Date: 12/04/2025 - Location: HCMC

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
29.500.000 VND
31.500.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

Starting Date: 08/05/2025 - Location: HCMC

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
29.500.000 VND
31.500.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

Starting Date: 27/05/2025 - Location: HCMC

18:00 - 21:00
Discounted Fee
29.500.000 VND
31.500.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

PACE's CEO program, the first executive training program for CEO in Vietnam, has more than 2 decades of history and has a profound impact in the business community in Vietnam. Since its inception, this CEO program has consistently been the top choice for business leaders looking to elevate their leadership & management capabilities.

Program's message

Increased globalization and the complexity of today’s competitive business environment have demanded senior executives in Vietnam to acquire vital knowledge on leadership and management, and effective business practices to build capacity to tackle new challenges. Gaining such insights and tools is particularly essential to achieving company goals, sustain growth, and better performance. With the objective to internationalize high-ranking human resources in Vietnam, PACE is offering the Professional Chief Executive Officer (CEO) training program, a special executive education program, for business leaders and managers.

As one of PACE’s most highly-regarded programs, the CEO program is designed based on PACE’s Management Model for current CEOs, middle managers, or executives who aspire to advance to this senior management position to lead their businesses.  Delivered in Vietnamese, the program trains, equips, and transforms high-potential executives by providing them with core philosophies, well-proven insights, and essential tools that today’s dynamic CEOs need to possess.  With the valued knowledge and skills provided by the program, senior executives will be ready to become professional, effective CEOs, ready to meet and tackle challenges of the increasingly competitive global business environment.

Methodically, PACE consistently combines international expertise, local insight, and standard value in all subjects. Through interactive lectures, group-based discussions, practical case studies and meaningful individual projects and exercises, participants will be engaged in interactive activities that help them internalize and integrate the course material to their own experiences and situations. Through these interactions, participants will also learn what is required of their organizations, what mindset and skills are relevant, thereby enabling them, as business leaders, to capitalize on their advantages, create value, and sustain high performance throughout their enterprise.

PACE trainers are Vietnamese experts who have both in-depth academic knowledge and profound experience in their respective fields with a global business perspective.

The CEO program is designed to accommodate busy executive schedules with day and evening classes. 4.5-month and 03-month programs are offered for participants’ convenience.

PACE's CEO program, the first executive training program for CEO in Vietnam, has more than 2 decades of history and has a profound impact in the business community in Vietnam. Since its inception, this CEO program has consistently been the top choice for business leaders looking to elevate their leadership & management capabilities.


Program's information

PACE’s Management Model


  • Top-level executives, including CEOs, Chairpersons, board members, and directors.
  • Middle Managers - Functional directors and managers, chiefs/heads and deputy heads of departments.
  • Those who strongly desire to be high-performing CEOs.


  • Prospective participants must be at least 22 years old.
  • Satisfy at least one of the following requirements:
    1. University or college diploma (of any major).
    2. Current or former managers or executives holding important management positions in their companies.
    3. At least three years of work experience in a certain industry.


After successfully completing this program, participants will:

  • To provide core thinking and conceptual tools required for an effective CEO in the integration and globalization process.
  • To provide participants with essential knowledge and skills of various components needed for a high-achieving CEO.


The total duration of the program is 36 sessions (equivalent to 96 hours), you can choose study in the evening or on weekends. Each program lasts 4,5 months for daytime classes or 3 months for evening classes.


Participants who have completed the program will be awarded the Graduation Certificate of the “Chief Executive Officer” program of PACE School of Leadership & Management (a member of PACE Institute of Management).

Program's content

# SUBJECTS Sessions Hours
Component 1: Ideology
1 Learning Revolution 2 6
2 Being an Authentic Leader  1 3
3 Business Philosophy 1 3
4 Life Management Program  2 6
   Component 2: General Management
1 Leadership Development 2 6
2 Strategic Management 4 12
3 Corporate Management System 4 12
4 Corporate Culture 2 6
   Component 3: Function Management
1 HR Management for Leaders 2 6
2 Marketing Management for Leaders 2 6
3 Sales Management for Leaders 2 6
4 Accounting Management for Leaders 2 6
5 Finance Management for Leaders 2 6
 Component 4: Additional Knowledge
1 Laws on Businesses 2 6
 Component 5: Program Summary
1 Program Summary  1 3
2 An End that Starts 1 3
* Graduation Ceremony * *
  TOTAL 32 96
Upcoming Program

In addition to the public training programs, PACE also offers in-house workshops which are tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Whether the goal is to prepare for a major change initiative or to build individual or organizational competency in a particular area...

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  • Consulting solution on Corporate Culture
  • Consulting solution on Management System
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  • Consulting solution on KPI System
  • Consulting solution on Human Resources
  • Consulting solution on Capacity Frame
  • Consulting solution on Training Strategy
  • Consulting solution on Learning Culture

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In addition to the public training programs, PACE also offers in-house workshops which are tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Whether the goal is to prepare for a major change initiative or to build individual or organizational competency in a particular area...

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