Interviewing Skills

Starting Date: 17/04/2025 - Location: HCMC

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
1.700.000 VND
2.000.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

Program's message

A common challenge that all businesses are facing is hiring the right people for the right positions. Successfully meeting this challenge is critical to saving time and investment in resources, and boosting performance by bringing on well-fitted team members to hit the ground running. Some businesses have Human Resources Department (HRD), but often times, leaders and managers take on the role of the recruiter, without having been trained in the best approaches to yield the most qualified candidates. Therefore, to help business executives find the best solutions to recruitment issues, PACE offers the "Interviewing Skills" training program.

People do not naturally possess effective interviewing skills, and often rely on their own experience and instincts to respond to interviewees. However, effective interviewing is a developed skill that can be mastered with practice, patience, and perseverance. The Recruitment and Interviewing Skills training program will equip those in the HRD, and anyone who has to recruit as part of their job, with the knowledge, approaches, and techniques to effectively select the right candidates for the right jobs. When appropriately implemented, these strategies will help organizations find the best employees every time and ensure your investment is going to the right places.

Program's information


  • Leaders and executives at all management levels;
  • Middle Managers - Functional Directors and Managers, Chiefs / Heads and Deputy Heads of Departments; HR staff;
  • Those who wish to strengthen their interviewing skills;


After successfully completing the program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of an interview in recruitment;
  • Learn about effective and professional interview methods;
  • Know how to evaluate a candidate methodologically and objectively.

Program's content

Part I. Foundational Knowledge of Recruitment Interviewing

  • The importance of recruitment interviewing;
  • Reality & types of modern recruitment interviewing; 
  • The process of professional recruitment interviewing in the modern business environment;
  • Functions and responsibilities of the Human Resources Department and other Departments in recruitment interviewing.

Part II. Effective Recruitment Interviewing

  • The structure of a professional recruitment interview; 
  • Creating interviewing questions for candidates: 
    • Principles of creating interviewing questions from competency requirements of the position; 
    • Some sample questions to evaluate some common competency requirements; 
  • Influencing factors & important things to keep in mind to ensure a successful interview. 

Part III. Important Notes in Recruitment Interviewing 

  • Communicating, listening & taking notes while interviewing;
  • Issues should and should not be asked during the recruitment interviewing process;
  • Things should be avoided in the process of interviewing and evaluating candidates.
Upcoming Program

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  • Consulting solution on Human Resources
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In addition to the public training programs, PACE also offers in-house workshops which are tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Whether the goal is to prepare for a major change initiative or to build individual or organizational competency in a particular area...

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