MMM - Management For Middle Managers

Starting Date: 15/03/2025 - Location: Hanoi

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
8.000.000 VND
8.800.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

MMM - Management For Middle Managers

Starting Date: 03/04/2025 - Location: HCMC

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
8.000.000 VND
8.800.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

MMM - Management For Middle Managers

Starting Date: 16/04/2025 - Location: Live Online

18:30 - 21:30
Discounted Fee
8.000.000 VND
8.800.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

MMM - Management For Middle Managers

Starting Date: 24/05/2025 - Location: HCMC

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
8.000.000 VND
8.800.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

Program's message

Why are there many people who are specialized competent in their major but not successful as a manager?


It is usually said that “Good followers make great leaders”, but why there is the case that sufficient “good followers” can’t make it the great leader?

The above are just one among many questions arose in regards of the competency of the “middle management”, which are bothering leaders and middle managers of many businesses.

The answers for those questions lie in the “Management for Middle Managers” (in short: MMM) training program, provided by PACE.

This program is designed for those who are middle managers (functional directors such as Business Director, Marketing Director, Sales Directors, Administration Directors, Human Resources Directors, Finance Directors, Production Directors, Technical Directors, IT Directors, Project Directors…; Head/Deputy Heads of departments), or those who have a desire to be middle managers and are preparing themselves with management skills to embrace the future position.

The program objectives are to address the following questions: What is the competency of a “middle manager” (MM)?; Which qualities need to be enhanced and practiced to become a good MM? On becoming a good MM, what to learn, how to learn and how to experience? Why the Big Boss always have to embrace tons of tasks but not delegate to the middle managers?...

The competency of a MM includes both “specialized competency” and “management competency”.

For instance, a great Finance Director is not only excellent in financial expertise but also good at managing his team and all the accounting financial system of the company; a great Production Director does no only have a deep understanding about technical issues and manufacturing technology but also have the capability to well manage the workshop/plants and the factory’s workers and technical labors  …

Most of MM are promoted from those who are skillful in their specialized major. So how is the “management competency” of an MM to be equipped?

The first and foremost important skills among “Management competency” is “people management skills.” However, to become a great MM, knowing how to manage people is just the “necessary conditions.” So, what are the “sufficient conditions?”

“Sufficient conditions” for a great MM include:

  • Know the job and understand “the worries” of the Big Boss; understand the company’s strategy and know how to build the division’s strategy; understand the corporate culture and know how to build up the department culture; understand the management system of the company and know how to build up the management system of the department;

  • Know how to “connect” between Big Boss and the department’s employees; know how to communicate effectively the ideas of Big Boss with employees; know how to implement successfully ever assignments from Big Boss; Know how to “take care” of the department’s employees on behalf of Big Boss;

  • Know how to recruit and employ staff; Know how to assign and delegate to the team; know how to enhance the cooperation between the department’s staff and between the department and other departments; now how to handle the department’s internal problems based on the overall understanding of the whole company (not only for the sake of the department solely);…

Building up a “model” to improve the management skills for middle managers is the result of PACE’s best efforts over the past decade. And the copyright of this “model” has been registered by PACE under the name of “PACE’s MMM Model”.

Program's information


  • Middle management (Middle managers- MM, Functional Managers – FM)
  • Functional Directors, including Finance Directors, Human Resources Directors, Business Director, Marketing Director, Sales Directors, Administration Directors, Production Directors, Technical Directors, IT Directors, Project Directors…;
  • Head/Deputy Heads of departments from domestic or foreign companies;
  • Those who desire to be Functional Directors or the Head/Deputy Head of departments, divisions in the future.


  • The program will provide participants with the awareness of “management competency” of an MM and help to improve this competency to a higher level;
  • The program will contribute to your path to become a professional MM.


After successfully completing this program, participants will be able to:

  • Define what makes a professional MM;
  • Have a thorough knowledge and necessary skills to enhance the management competency;
  • Know how to become a professional MM/FM.


The total duration of the program is 12 sessions (equivalent to 36 hours). You can choose to study in the evening, weekdays or weekends.

Program's content






Being an Authentic Manager
-    The position, role, responsibilities of an MM
-    Works of an MM
-    Management competency of an MM




Strategy Execution
-    The meaning and the importance of vision, mission of the entire business
-    Company strategy & Department strategy / Functional strategy
-    Implementation plan and methodology to conduct department strategy (functional strategy)
-    Effectiveness management and evaluation
-    Performance Report




Team Management
-    Issues directly related to team management
-    Personnel assessment
-    Building up a management system




Culture Building
-    The meaning and the importance of absorbing culture
-    Applying corporate culture for all the department staffs
-    Building up department culture




Professional Skills
-    Introduction of soft skills for management levels
-    Introduction of soft skills for MM level







Upcoming Program

In addition to the public training programs, PACE also offers in-house workshops which are tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Whether the goal is to prepare for a major change initiative or to build individual or organizational competency in a particular area...

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PACE Consulting is one of PACE’s member companies. The consulting services include:

  • Consulting solution on Reinventing Corporate
  • Consulting solution on Corporate Culture
  • Consulting solution on Management System
  • Consulting solution on Excellent Factory
  • Consulting solution on KPI System
  • Consulting solution on Human Resources
  • Consulting solution on Capacity Frame
  • Consulting solution on Training Strategy
  • Consulting solution on Learning Culture

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PACE Books compiles, selects, translates and publishes must-read books on business, management, economics, culture and education...

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In addition to the public training programs, PACE also offers in-house workshops which are tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Whether the goal is to prepare for a major change initiative or to build individual or organizational competency in a particular area...

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